Monday, December 3, 2012

... kedatangan Habibie: Unspinners 2 Dec

December 3, 2012 3:55:00 PM GMT+08:00

Bacharudin Jusuf Habibie (l. 25.1936, Parepare, Sulawesi Selatan), Presiden ke3 RI selama 1.5 tahun (5/1998-10/199).
Sebelumnya Soeharto telah memegang Presiden selama 32 tahun menghadapi rusuhan massa krisis ekonomi selama 5 bulan dan terpaksa mengundur diri. Ekonomi pincang kerana meminjam dari IMF dan projek terpaksa ditutup termasuk kapalterbang. Di Malaysia Anwar hendakkan IMF masuk.

Habibie dalam tekanan IMF, ekonomi dan campurtangan politik global terpaksa mengadakan referendum di Timor Timur, dan Timtim beroleh kemerdekaan.

Anwar (negara) menggadai kiranya IMF masuk dulu.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Bersama mu perwira negara: Unspinners, Oct 20

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) says:
October 20, 2012 9:53:00 PM GMT+08:00


ARTIKEL INI DEDIKASI UNTUK KOL. HASSAN SAAMIN (arwah), hidupnya untuk askar, askar untuk hidup.

Indonesia mengganyang, Malaysia mengkonfrontasi.

Di Semenanjung, penyusupan angkatan bersenjata Indonesia (ABI)tertumpu di sekitar pantai Johor melalui Selat Melaka. Operasi tentera yang pertama dijalankan menentang pencerobohan ialah Operasi Limit pada 12 Ogos 1964.

Dalam Operasi Liver, 17 Ogos - 4 Nov 1964 di kawasan Benut, Kukup dan Pontian, 21 penyusup terbunuh, 70 ditawan dan 9 menyerah diri. Pasukan keselamatan Malaysia mengalami 2 kematian dan 3 cedera. Kesemuanya melebihi 21 operasi dijalankan - Operasi Lilac, Operasi Flower, Operasi High Speed ...

Tamatnya konfrontasi, sejumlah 143 penyusup dibunuh, 432 ditawan, 34 menyerah diri.
Dipihak tentera Malaysia dan Commonwealth, 16 terbunuh dan 8 cedera.

Maklumat terperinci berkenaan wira2 yang terkorban mempertahankan negara semasa konfrontasi terdapat dalam buku yang ditulis oleh S. Othman S. Omar, 1999, penerbitan UKM.

Di perbatasan Sarawak-Kalimantan menjadi hangat juga dengan pencerobohan ABI dan dapat dialahkan oleh tentera Malaysia di bantu oleh 22 Special Air Service (SAS) Regiment, 2nd King Edward VII's Own Gurkha Rifles dll.

Perjanjian Jakarta. Upacara menandatangani Persetujuan Normalisasi Hubungan Indonesia-Malaysia, Jakarta, 11 Ogos 1966 oleh Tun Razak (Menteri Luar Negeri), Mej Jen Abdul Hamid Bidin, Jen Soeharto, Adam Malik (Menlu Indonesia)

Indonesia, a brave example of revolution against Dutch colonialism and struggle for independence after the Japanese occupation of WWII. However, the nation is still not at peace internally. It is warring against several fronts including against poverty, rampant corruption, demonstrations, religous extremism. These troubles have a spillover effect onto Malaysia flaring up seemingly over minor misundertandings be they on true or false premises.

Politicians have to understand the political and social climate and not to over react to our neighbour's overtures. Whatever it is we are blood-brothers serumpun leaning against another.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Sesuatu yang patut kita renungkan: House PK, Oct 20

BloggerSustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...
SAVE's posting on Sunday, August 26, 2012


Hitler and Nazi Germany had grandiose designs to change the map of the world and purify the Aryan race.

World War II not only resulted in new global geographic demarcations but also power. Hence, the dreams of the west to grab Muslim lands and resources. The Muslim world got worse and worse, its own governance partly to blame.

It is said that 6,000,000 Jews were exterminated by the Nazi during the holocaust .

The President of Iran amongst others do not believe in the holocaust. It must be remembered that it was the Persians who liberated the Jews who fled to Babylon after their kingdom was sacked by the Romans. The Jews have not return the favour to Iran but want to bomb it instead!

Taking the holocaust did happen then the Muslim world was made safer from zionism by their 6M reduced numbers. But no, the holocaust strenghtened their resolve to create a safe haven,Israel.

With British support as exemplified in the Balfour Declaration, the Jews have ever since violently driving the Palestinians away from their homeland.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Kapal mubaligh kristian ... The Unspinners Oct 11 2012

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) says:
October 11, 2012 7:53:00 PM GMT+08:00

Valetta was a well fortified bay in Malta built by the Knights of Hospitaliers fleeing Outreme after the fall of Jerusalem to Salahuddin al Ayubi.

Napoleon on the way by sea route to conquer Egypt drove out the knights from their redoubt.

An MOU signed by a former VC UPM with Malta is likened to Najib's Vatican first before Haj.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

21st centuary Louisiana

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

This is jambalaya, redneck country is also home of Klu Klux Klan of which David Duke was its Grandmaster at one time. The latter's website has been silenced (by the Jews?). Maybe the hands of KKK is still permeating in that school!

Its famous Mardi Gras festival of excesses has been moderated by Katrina!

Outsyed the Box: 4.9.2012
Tuesday, September 04, 2012 11:40:00 PM