Sunday, December 26, 2010

The anti-semitic: Dec 25 2010

By al-Din on December 25, 2010 12:07 PM

Wonder where Shakespear's ranking as a jew-hater is? He wrote literatures on Shylock and others where jews were depicted in very negative terms. Perhaps there is no posthumous ranking.

In one of their religous books a picture of Noah is shown naked in stupor slumped on a chair being covered with blanket by his (two) sons! If they can degrade our beloved Prophet Noah in such atrocious light they can potray worst things about people. For them to 'kill' someone is easy, just make stories of scandals and other modes of character assassination.

The fashinable ladies of Madras flocked to see an exquisite figurine
from China covered in a glass case. It was only displayed a few hours a day in the exhibition. The owner said other items are for sale but not the figurine because it is one and the only one. However, on the last day of the show it was sold at a very handsome price and the owner made a killing. It was revealed to Frank Swettenham who visited the show that the figurine was bought cheap made of special wax. Swettenham said something about the businessman, a jew.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The United States: dec 17 2010

By al-Din on December 18, 2010 10:25 PM

The Yankee bloodbath started when they gun-slinged the Red Indians, the indigenous people. It was genocide. Thousands of bisons were gunned down to deprive the Indians their source of meat and hide for clothing.

It was beyond humanity when Africans were pirated and cruelly enslaved into the South. Many of them were Muslims. It was their first bloodletting of Muslims. By the turn of events, now they have a descendent of Africa as their master!

Knowing Islam will rise from the West, they want to stall it by all means. The centres of former great civilisations - Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan now Muslims must be stone aged. A defeated nation defaced of heritage cannot be proud and confident.

They can plan but Allah is the mightiest planner of all.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Bodyguard yang dihantar Allah: dec 1 2010

Anon said...

Mei 1996. Ada koferensi di Sun City, 50 batu keselatan Johannesburg. Hari Jumaat saya sudah sampai sementara peserta2 belum.

Baik saya ke Johannesburg tengok bandar. Saya naik bas. Di Stesen bas saya diberitahu oleh peniaga supaya simpan kamera dalam beg dan berhati.

Di atas jambatan saya menoleh kebelakang. Berasa syak bila 2 pemuda kulit hitam nampak seperti berhenti serta merta agak.

Nampak masjid dihadapan dan hendak sembahyang dulu.

Saya jalan belok kiri dimana lebih banyak kedai dan ramai orang. Rasa lega. Tiba2 banyak tangan memegang dan rasa nak tumbang kebelakang. Ada yang meyeluk saku seluar, saku baju, tutup mulut saya, memaut leher.

Dalam terperanjat itu saya sedar sedang dirampok. Ada 6-7 pemuda kulit hitam keliling saya. Tiba2 tangan memacukan pisau 6 inci dikening saya. Otak saya berkata mengapalah saya berada disini. Teringat keluarga. Matilah saya.

Allah-hu-Akbar saya menjerit sekuat hati. Tidak buat apa, ajal sampai. Tak semena-mena saya dihumbankan keatas jalan. Menakjubkan. Hidup lagi. Masih menjerit Allah-hu-Akbar sekuat hati tidak putus2.

Sambil menjerit saya berlari mencari teksi. Minta teksi hantar kestesen bas. Lambat rasanya nak sampai. Bolehkah saya percaya teksi ini?

Dalam stesen saya menggeletar. Dahaga. Mencungap. Mengambil nafas. Syukur kpd Allah saya selamat.

Tidak ada yang berani menolong saya semasa dirampok atau menjerit-jerit tadi. Bahkan saya perasan orang mulanya ramai kemudian berkurangan! Sengaja mereka masuk dalam kedai atau berjalan kearah lain? Tidak mahu masuk campur.

Bila reda saya lihat ada pasangan Indonesia warga tua duduk disebelah. Saya ceritakan apa yang berlaku. Si lelaki memberi saya kad yang masih saya simpan. Mereka dari Jakarta dan dalam institusi perubatan.

Saya ceritakan juga kpd pekedai yang memberi nasihat. Dia kata tahun lalu ramai pemain rugby Australia kena rampok.

Dalam stesen selamat kerana ada pengawal dalam dan luar bangunan. Saya bermalam dalam stesen, di atas bangku.

Keesokan saya naik bas ke Sun City. Diberitahu kena kongsi bilik hotel dengan saintis dari India. Alamak!


Bodyguard yang dihantar Allah: dec 1 2010

Anonymous said...

Saya kenal yang menjerit nama saya ia-itu ketua kampong. Yang memberi maklumat yang saya berada dikawasan adalah pengail cina. Saya nampak dia guna telepon bimbit.

Ya, satu land rover polis turut datang mencari. Ada orang report.

Antara tiga pemuda diatas bukit itu saya agak cam seorang. Dia guru, badan agak gempal, kulit cerah. Saya terserempak dengan dia beberapa lama selepas insiden. Lepas itu tak jumpa lagi. Namanya tidak diketahui.

Tiga ekor kuda (jenis kuda padi tetapi besar sedikit dan jinak)saya hilang. Dengar ada dilanggar lori, ada disembelih dan Jabatan haiwan ambil.

Saya tidak ceritakan kapada isteri kerana menakutkan dan merisaukan bila saya teroka tanah maupun pergi kebun. Hanya pernah ceritakan kpd kawan.

Alhamdulillah, saya peroleh lease tanah tersebut tetapi saban hari ada gangguan. Pondok dibakar, scrambler dicuri, kawat pagar dipotong dan kerbau masuk. Tanaman kelapa pandan, nenas, mangga punah. Masya-Allah.

Ke Terengganu malam itu kerana urusan resmi esoknya.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Bodyguard yang dihantar Allah: dec 1 2010

Anonymous said...

Saya suka menggeledah tanah walaupun sedang dipohon atau belum.

Di satu kampong. Waktu sudah sarat petang. Kuda sudah saya tambat di lereng bukit kecil di kawasan tanah yang sedang di terokai.

Terdengar orang menjerit nama saya. Saya tidak menyahut. Sebaliknya saya masuk kedalam semak bercampur lalang dan duduk di lereng bukit.

Kedengaran lagi orang memanggil nama saya. Saya intai. Kemudian terlihat lori 1 tan dan beberapa buah motosikal mundar-mandir di jalan pasir seberang tasik lombong.

Saya syak mereka mengepong saya. Bang masjid kedengaran. Saya turut ikut bang dalam bisikan. Dibelakang sebelah kanan jelas kelihatan 3 pemuda kampong diatas bukit dengan motorsikal. Di kaki bukit kereta saya.

Saya tunggu sampai gelap. Saya ikut lereng dan berjalan jauh untuk mengelilingi bukit bertujuan untuk masuk dalam kereta dari arah belakang 3 pemuda tadi.

Saya sengaja pakai terendak lebar Cina supaya mereka menyangka saya pengail. Kayu bulat 2 depa di tangan. Jantong berdegup badan menggigil sedikit.

Dari belakang kaki bukit saya berjalan ke kereta. Dalam gelap itu saya terlihat seorang pekebun (Cina perempuan agaknya) menolak basikal dari arah bertentangan.

Alhamdulliah kata hati kecil. Mereka diatas bukit leka melihat basikal. Mengelirukan mereka. Saya berlari deras, buka kunci pintu kereta, kedengan motorkal menderum.

Masuk sahaja dalam kereta, terus hidupkan enjin dan tekan minyak. Satu motorsikal dapat hampir sebelah kiri kereta tetapi saya terus pecut.

Malam itu saya tidak boleh tidur memikirkan apa akan berlaku sekiranya basikal itu tidak lalu atau enjin kereta tidak boleh hidup. Pasti kena lanyak.

Malam itu juga memandu dari Perak terus ke Terengganu. Allah-hu-Akbar.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Memoir Memalai: nov 28 2010

al-Deen amin said...

Kalau tak silap ada "White Paper" dikeluarkan berkenaan kes Memali.

Ramai juga pengikut terkorban. Pihak berkuasa sedar bahawa IL menggunakan manusia sebagai benteng pertahanan.

Strategi menangkap mereka salah. Mengapa pihak polis tidak bersabar mengepong mereka seberapa lama perlu supaya mereka lemah dan kelaparan. Mereka nak lari kemana. Biar mereka memaki hamun.Umum maklum mereka taksub dengan ajaran sesat.

Masa berlakunya insiden berdarah itu PM berada diluar negara kalau tak silap saya. Kiranya TPM yang memberi arahan merempuh siapa sebenarnya bertanggung jawab sebagai "the killer of Memali" dan menanggung dosa?

Monday, November 8, 2010

bahasa melayu dan sekolah vernakular: nov 7 2010

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...


Saya ambil nota atas input anda dan terima kasih. Sejarah membuktikan asal-usul Malayo-Polynesia-Austronesian juga dari alam Melayu. Banyak perkataan2 di Kepulauan Pasifik yang sama dengan kita seperti niur, mata. Tempat mudah untuk bersua dengan orang Cham Vietnam ialah dimasjid2 Ho Chin Minh.

Mengumpul bibliografi menjadi "forte" saya dan telah menerbitkan 3 buah buku berkenaan pertanian dan tumbuhan.

Historiografi Alam Melayu ini luas, saban hari ada juga maklumat diperolehi. Hanya mereka yang tidak mengetahui sejarah mengatakan kita pendatang.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

perkasa: nov 4 2010

By al-Din on November 4, 2010 10:41 PM

Perihal Perkasa.

Saya sungguh hairan mengapa ada sebilangan politik veteran tidak memahami pendirian atau prinsip negarawan agung Tun Dr Mahathir. Pada hal mereka telah mendampingi beliau dengan dekat sebagai menteri dan sebagainya lebih daripada dua dekad. Masih lagi mereka mencurigai kesahihan beliau. Apakah maknanya ini?

1. Mereka mudah lupa terutamanya orang yang otak lemah (terlalu lama berpolitik, umur sudah lampau) tetapi berlagak pandai.

2. Ada yang naik ranggi ingin menunjuk kepandaian bila memegang jawatan tetapi ibarat tin kosong.

3. Ada pengaruh luar yang menekan mereka supaya berputar belit ia-itu ikut telunjuk.

4. Ada agenda tersendiri atau kepentingan peribadi seperti untuk mengekalkan kedudukan yang tergugat.

5. Pengecut dan tidak pitah dengan fakta bila ditentang oleh parti lawan atau pihak2 tertentu. Dulu kononnya berkobar-kobar.

6. Mereka mesti berundur dari memegang jawatan dalam politik dan pemerintahan sebelum PRU13.

7. Rakyat kenal sangat siapa mereka yang bermuka tebal. Masihkah PM memberi kekebalan? Muliakan mereka, persetankan generasi akan datang?

Saturday, November 6, 2010

bahasa melayu dan sekolah vernakular: nov 7 2010

Sustainable Living Institute (SAVE) said...

Dalam perjalanan balik dari umrah sempat singgah di Karachi (sebelum kacau bilau) untuk beberapa hari. Di bazaar kain ada yang tahu berbahasa " Mari, kain baju kurung, murah-murah". Di bazaar Mekah pun ramai bertutur begitu. Bahasa Melayu mudah dipelajari dan ada nilai komersial! Di negeri Cina pun ada mata pelajaran Melayu di universiti Beijing.

Orang2 seperti MP itu memang sengaja melemparkan kata2 begitu supaya nak tahu tindakbalas Melayu. Terjawab atau tidak? Kalau dijawab bagaimana hujahnya? Nampaknya RT lah antara mereka yang bernas dan tegas menjawab. Kerap kita dengar (bila hendak membuat sesuatu) "Apa dia orang kata nanti?" Ada pula pemimpin cakap seakan begitu bermakna tidak bijak mematahkan cakap.

Nusantara adalah alam Melayu dan catitan sejarah Cina dahulu pun mengatakan begitu. SAVE sedang mengumpul bibliografi (kini 350 halaman) tentang sejarah dan budaya Melayu Nusantara - Malaysia, Indonesia, Filipina, Thailand (Patani), Brunei, Singapura, Campa yang akan diterbitkan tahun hadapan, Insyallah.

Friday, November 5, 2010

alamak, my grandpas started wahabism: nov 5 2010

Anonymous said...

So what's wrong with wahabism, the protector of the sacred mosque in Mekah. Many of us got mixed up about their true leanings due to political history and other forms of misinformation. They don't tolerate keramat or over-reverence of graves.

Strange that you say religion is a confusing and illogical subject. Is Islam confusing you or are you referring to the others?

One of my former staff, a Melanau at Mukah is named Lai Tek!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

kesan perjanjian tanah ktm disingapura: sept 27 2010

al-Deen said...

Apabila disebut Singapura hati setiap Melayu jati mesti terkilan tidak kesudahan. Perasaan Melayu dibodohi Cina dan Melayu bodoh sombong pun ada. Terlampau banyak detik-detik sejarah yang memalukan Melayu nak persalahkan siapa?:

- todak melanggar rakyat diperintah tahan betis!
- Temenggong serahkan pulau
- kalah pembicaraan kes Natrah
- setelah ia jadikan kita kuda tunggangan senang2 keluar dari Malaysia
- bekalkan air dengan murah beli kembali dengan harga tinggi
- tanah/harta dijohor berpindah hak
- koridor Iskandar utk siapa?
- hilang Pulau Batu Putih
- entah kerap mana mereka mencerobohi ruang udara kita
- LKY menyalak kita
- Melayu singapura dianaktirikan
- jambatan dibatalkan
- dibekalkan pasir untuk menyempitkan selat
- Melayu yang kaya menyimpan dana diSingapura
- kini tanah di woodlands

Sampai bila pemimpin Melayu menggadai bangsa, tanahair dan maruah?

Monday, August 16, 2010

Israel nuclear bomb: Aug 12 2010

By al-Din on August 15, 2010 7:25 PM

The rogue state Israel is using nuclear arsenal as a deterrent and to intimidate Middle East countries. It wouldn't nuke its neighbours because the radiation fallout from the nuclear explosion will destroy Israel also. Only as a last desperate measure Israel may use it to bring everyone to oblivion.

The atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki on August 9, 1945 weighed about 10,000lbs and contained 15 lbs of Plutonium-239. The energy released was equivalent to 20,000 tons (20KT), of TNT, which corresponds to 1.3KT/lb of Pu-239. It wiped out 40% of the city and killed about 35,000 people.

The destructive effects of such bomb size include:

1. Ground burst crater
Diameter 600ft
Depth 40ft

2. Blast destruction of buildings, radius (miles)
Brick-ground burst 0.9
Brick-air burst 1.2
Woood-ground burst 1.5
Wood-air burst 2.0

3. Fire, radius (miles)
Destroys everything combustible 0.7
People received 2nd degree burns 2.1

4. Initial gamma radiation of 500R, radius (miles) 0.8

After more than 60 years, the US attended the annual remembrance day at Hiroshima recently.

Knowledge is power and can be evil depending on who and how we use it.

Israel nuclear bomb: Aug 12 2010

By al-Din on August 14, 2010 7:36 PM

It is no denying that the rogue state has the nuclear bombs. It If it was ready to export them to South Africa in 1975 then surely they have them at a much earlier date. Israel was treating such bombs simply as a commercial item without due concern for world safety. This adds to the macabre of nuclear proliferation which is what the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty trying to control and which Israel refuse to sign.

Their scientists and compatriots (in the US and elsewhere) have full command of the nuclear technology. Einstein, a German Jew in 1905 came up with the theory of relativity, interconversion of matter and energy, E=mc2. Since then, physicists in Europe were experimenting to release the 'frozen energy' indicated in the formula. Einstein fled to the US in 1934.

In 1932, Chadwick, a British physicist discovered neutron, a new atomic particle with no electric charge. In 1937, Ferni, an Italian physicist using neutrons experimented bombarding Uranium-235 but it was 2 years later that Lise Meitner, an Austro- Jewish refugee from Hitler and Otto Frisch provided the correct explanation of the outcome.

The U-235 nucleus, absorbing the neutron, splitted into two fragments ie. fissioned. In the course such event, more neutrons are emitted. Another refugee from the Nazis, Hungarian physicist suggested that a chain of such reactions can be sustained.

By the summer of 1939, German physicist Werner Heisenberg commented there were 12 people who have collective knowledge how to assemble an atomic bomb. By 1941, the race for an atomic bomb was going neck-to-neck between the US and Germany. By summer of 1945, by all accounts Germany had lost the race mainly because many of its top nuclear physicists had fled to former.

On July 16, 1945, the first atomic bomb, code-named Trinity, was exploded at Alamogordo, New Mexico. The Manhattan Project, headed by Robert Oppenheimer took 3 years to make it happen. He was stunned by the sheer magnitude of the blast and 'I am become death, shatterer of worlds', a passage from a Hindu scripture came across his mind.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Tatarstan: 6 July 2010

By al-Din on July 6, 2010 10:48 PM

Genghis Khan (~1170-1227) after sacking Bukhara in Samarkand though not a Muslim delivered his famous 'Punishment of God' speech at the mosque's mimbar:

'O people, know that you have committed great sins and that the great ones among you have committed these sins! If you ask me what proof I have for these words, I say it is because I am the punishment of God. If you have not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.'

Batu, Genghis's grandson partnered with Subedei, a Mongol general led the conquests of Russia (1237-40) and Eastern Europe (1241).

Kublai Khan, another of Genghis's grandson subjugated the whole of China by 1279. His dynasty lasted until 1368.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Tun Omar Ong Yoke Lin: 2 Julai 2010

By al-Din on July 4, 2010 11:35 AM

Harimau mati meninggalkan belang manusia mati meninggalkan nama. Itulah dia arwah Tun Omar Ong Yoke Lin. Beliau banyak berjasa kapada negara dan menjadi contoh dan tauladan sebagai pemimpin, ahli politik, perpaduan negara.

Apabila zaman politiknya tamat ia terus maju dalam dunia perniagaan tanpa menggunakan pengaruhnya dan kronism. Orang yang percaya kapada kebolehan sendiri akan bersifat teguh, rendah diri seperti padi yang hendak masak, tidak hokapkan dunia.

Beliau tidak berlagak sebagai tin kosong bertopengkan agama untuk meraih kuasa dan kekayaan.

Malaysia needs more people like him, and giants like Munshi Abdullah, Syed Shaykh al-Hady, Alijah Gordon, Abdul Mubin Shepard, Za'aba, Ungku Aziz, Daim, Mahathir ... to move the Malays and Muslims to greater heights.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

kita patut protes kekejaman negara pengganas yahudi: may 31 2010

al-Din-amin said...
As we expect, little Obama realise that the WMD is already in the Gulf of Mexico spewing noxious fluid carbon to engulf Louisiana's coastline.

Before this WMD Hurricane Katrina laid waste to New Orleans, Louisiana. (I gulped down my first dozen of raw oysters there circa 1975).

What's the next WMD? They don't believe in the act of God Almighty anymore. Their god is named Israel.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Albania: Apr 12 2010

By al-Din on April 13, 2010 8:36 PM

Historiography of 500 years of Ottoman rule (pod igoto) in the volatile Balkans (a Turkish word for mountains) wrt Albania:

1354 - Ottoman Turks establish themselves on European soil at Gallipoli

1371 - Ottomans defeat the Serbs on the River Maritsa

1389 - Turks defeat the Serbian Tsar Lazar, head of a Balkan coalition at Kosovo. Serbia becomes a vassal state of Ottoman Empire

1393 - Bulgrian kingdom comes under Ottoman rule

1453 - Turks capture Constantinople

1463 - Slavic kingdom of Bosnia falls to the Turks

1468 - Albania falls to the Ottomans

1500-1566 - the Ottoman Empire attains its height; almost the entire Balkan peninsula is now under its domain

1683 - Turks march on Vienna and are routed

1684-99 - Europen powers defeat the Turks in the War of the Holy League. The Ottomans lose many of their Balkan holdings

1774 - Russia defeats the Turks

1799 - Montenegro succeeds in gaining Turkish recognition of its independence

1804-1813 - Serbs unsuccessfully revolt against the Turks

1829 - Russia defeats Turkey again

1856 - the European powers and Turkey defeat Russia in the Crimean War

1875-78 - insurrection against the Turks throughout the Balkans and with the help of Russia defeat the Turks. Serbia and Romania gain independence, Bulgarians wins autonomy. Austria-Hungary is awarded Bosnia and Herzegovina

1912-1913 - First Balkan War. The Balkan League - Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece and Montenegro, declares war on Turkey and further reduces its European territory.
Albanians revolt against the Turks and proclaim independence.

1914 - Archduke Franz-Ferdinand is assassinated in Sarajevo, Bosnia, an Austrian province at that time.
Start of WWI

1918 - the United Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and the Slovenes, later called Yugoslavia is formally proclaimed

1928 - Ahmed Bey Zogu, from Premier becomes King Zog I of Albania

1939 - Mussolini Italy occupies Albania. King Zog is forced into exile

1939-44 - WW2. Bulgaria and Romania join the Axis power.

1944-46 - Romania and Bulgaria are occupied by Soviet troops. Communist-dominated governments in Yugoslavia and Albania are recognized by the West.

1948 - Albania breaks from Yugoslavia tutelege and becomes Russia's satellite

1961 - Albania breaks with the Soviets

{Edmund Stillman et al (eds). 1966. The Balkans. Life World Library, Time-Life International, Nederland}

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Kelantan-ku: Mar 28 2010

Historiographic said...

Sekitar 1776 ...

"Maka kota pun sudah siap, lalu Long Junos pun beraja-rajalah duduk memerintah negeri Kelantan ini. Didalam kota itulah maka sekalain isi negeri pun menyembah kepada Long Junos semuanya. Maka Long Junos menjadi Raja memerintah negeri Kelantan."

(Hikayat Seri Kelantan)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Cerita Nasha belum habis rupanya: Mar 10 2010

al-Deen-amin said...

Agak lupa, dulu saya ada baca buku berkenaan Natrah dalam bahasa Melayu. Masih disimpan bukunya tetapi di library rumah lain.

Kurang perpaduan masyarakat Melayu satu perkara dalam kekalahan kes bicara Natrah. Yang membela Natrah pada masa itu ialah peguam Mat Saleh dan munkin ia ada kepentingan tersendiri. Dokumen dari pihak ibu-bapa angkat Natrah tidak lengkap atau tidak ada untuk mengesahkan kedudukan sebenar dari segi undang2.

Natrah berketurunan Yahudi dan Belanda pada itu dan kini pun masih kuat dengan pengaruhnya. Kaum mereka memang bersatu terutamanya dari segi keewangan. Mereka boleh dapatkan peguam yang hebat untuk memenangi kes. Dunia barat pula menyokong mereka.

Kalau tak silap, dari Belanda Natrah kemudian menetap di Texas, USA.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Blair the Liar: Feb 21 2010

By al-Din on February 28, 2010 10:17 PM

The killing field at Srebrenica, Bosnia:

"In July 1995, despite clear warnings and the presence of UN troops, Bosnian Serbs at Srebrenica perpetrated the single worst war crime since the end of the Second World War. While the world stood by and watched, Serb forces advanced into the "safe area" in eastern Bosnia and rounded up tens of thousands of Bosnian Muslims. Some twenty thousand Muslim women and children were deported; thousands of unarmed Muslim men - soldiers and civilians alike - were summarily murdered."

Quoted from: Jan Willem Honig and Norbert Both "Srebrenica: Record of a War Crime." Penguin Books, New York, 1997

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Science and Islam: Feb 8 2010

Monday, February 8, 2010
Science and Islam: Feb 8 2010
By al-Din on February 9, 2010 1:28 AM

Yang terhormat Tun.

Behind science and discoveries: End of a Malay kingdom

The Melaka kingdom or sultanate lasted just slightly over a century (1402-1511). At its establishment period (by Parameswara), world events elsewhere were already in a state of flux with wars and conquests, coronations, explorations and discoveries, inventions, advances in sciences and humanities.

At the onset of the Malay kingdom, Western Europe was undergoing the Renaissance period when arts and architecture flourished at its centre, Venice. The Ming Dynasty was at its zenith especially in sea power. The Ottomans (Turkish) empire was expanding with a great victory at Kosovo in 1389 which gave them control of the Balkans for the next 500 years. The Tartars under Timur, however curbed the Ottomans by conquering Central Asia beginning in 1395.

The look-East policy by a western nation was first initiated when Portuguese navigators, geographers and seamen were encouraged to make expeditions to the East by Prince Henry ‘The Navigator’. By 1488 Bartholomew Diaz had rounded the southern tip of Africa and named it as the Cape of Good Hope. Their goal to the East was now wide open.

Duarte Barbosa wrote about Melaka as a great centre of eastern trade “Whoever is Lord in Malacca has his hand on the throat of Venice”. Melaka had become a trading centre where exotic goods and products from the East were reaching Europe. So much so that the King of Portugal, King Manuel in 1509 dispatched a fleet under Lopez de Sequeira to request for permission from the Sultan to trade.

Melaka was under the reign of Sultan Mahmud Shah (1488-1511), the sixth Sultan of Melaka. The Bendahara was Tun Mutahir, the uncle of the Sultan. Using kris and spears Tun Hasan Temenggong and his warriors managed to repel de Sequiera and his men armed with matchlocks.

World events in science and discoveries 20 years before the fall of Melaka:

1488 - Portugal’s Bartolomeu Dias rounds Cape of Good Hope, opening a new route to India.

1490-2 - German geographer and navigator Martin Behaim (1440-1507) constructs the oldest globe.

1492 -1502 - Voyages by Columbus, the Genoese-born explorer reach Bahamas, Cuba, Hispaniola (Haiti), Trinidad and Panama.

1495- Aldine Press in Venice prints the Greek Classics, spreading rebirth of Greek learning.

1495 - First known muzzle-loading rifles made for Maximilian, the Holy Roman Emperor.

1497 - John Cabot, an Italian navigator employed by Henry VII of England, lands in Newfoundland, which he mistakes for China.

1497 - Italian artist and inventor, Leonardo da Vinci paints Last Supper, Mona Lisa in 1502.

1497-8 - Genoese-born explorer makes two voyages in search of a North-West Passage to China and discovers Newfoundland.

1498 - Vasco da Gama of Portugal reaches west coast of India at Calicut after rounding southern Africa.

1499 - Switzerland gains independence from the German Empire.

1499-1501 - Florentine navigator Amerigo Vespucci (1454-1512) explores coast of South America, and gives his name to the continent.

1500 - Portuguese navigator, Pedro Cabral lands on the coast of Brazil and claims it for the Portuguese Crown.

1501 - In Venice, Ottaviano dei Petrucci publishes first printed music.

1506 - St. Peter’s, Rome began to be built.

1509 - Earliest known pocket watch made at Nuremberg, Germany.

1509 - Dutch humanist and scholar Erasmus, the most influential man of letters in northern Europe writes Encomium Moriae (‘In Praise of Folly’).

1509 - Portuguese flotilla under de Sequeira’s arrives in Melaka.

1510 - Venetian Renaissance at its peak.

1511 - de Albuquerque conquest of Malacca and end of the Melaka Sultanate.

In hindsight, we could deduce plausible explanations as to the success and longevity, or failure of a kingdom. External factors as well as internal strength or problems affect the stability and sovereignity of any nation. For the case of Melaka, it was the total lack of science and discoveries that led to its downfall.

Leonardo da Vinci's last words at his death ‘I have offended God and mankind because my work did not reach the quality it should have.’
Posted by SUSTAINABLE LIVING INSTITUTE (SAVE) at 7:31 PM 0 comments
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Blair the Liar: Feb 21 2010

By al-Din on February 23, 2010 12:34 AM

Linda S. Heard, Political columnist specialising in Mid-East affairs, Cairo:

"... even the blatant lies that were used to oil the invasion of Iraq are well known and a time when that ravished country stands on the brink of a possible civil war, the US and its sycophants are setting their sights on Iran. They haven't even bothered to come up with new pretexts. Why should they, when the supine Western media, which briefly emerged from its stupor to say its mea culpas over its Iraq reportage, reverts to disseminating government propaganda?"

Quoted from the foreword in 'The War on Terrorism: The Untold Truths'. Latheef Farook, 2006. SIRD, P Jaya p5

Blair the Liar: Feb 21 2010

By al-Din on February 22, 2010 4:38 PM

British playwrite, Harold Pinter, Nobel Laureate Literature 2005 on the US invasion of Iraq:

"The invasion of Iraq was a bandit act, an act of blatant state terrorism, demonstrating absolute contempt fo the concept of international law. The invasion was an arbitrary action inspired by a series of lies upon lies and gross manipulation of the media and therefore of the public; an act intended to consolidate the American military and economic control of the Middle East masqurading - as a last resort - all other justifications having failed to justify themselves - as liberation. A formidable assertion of military force responsible for the death and mutilation of thousands and thousands of innocent people."

Quoted from: War on Terrorism: The Untold Truth. By Latheef Farook, SIRD, P Jaya, 2006, p1

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Malaysiakini: Feb 15, 2010

By al-Din on February 18, 2010 12:26 AM


Noted Westerners who symphatize the Palestinian/Arab struggle or not pro-Jews/Zionists:

William Shakespeare - The Merchant of Venice, Shylock

Sir Richard Burton - adventurer, scholar

Noam Chomsky - world-reknown linguist, scholar, and political analyst. Wrote among others "Fateful Triangle: The United States, Israel & The Palestinians", South End Press, Cambridge, 1999 (2nd ed); and others

Edward W. Said - scholar, author

Robert Fisk - leading foreign correspondent in the Middle East. Wrote "Pity the Nation: Lebanon at War", Oxford Univ . Press, 1992 (2nd ed); etc

Mohammad Assad - Polish Jew who embraced Islam. Wrote "The Road to Mecca", Dar Al-Adalus, Gibraltar, 1980 (4th ed); etc

Paul Craig Roberts - noted US economist

Lord Galloway, UK - recent Palestina Viva campaign

Gwynne Dyer - international affairs expert. Wrote "The Mess They Made: The Middle East After Iraq", Scribe Publ., Melbourne, 2007; etc

Lawrence of Arabia - see "With Lawrence in Arabia", "The Seven Pillars of Wisdom"

David Pryce-Jones - author of many non-fiction and fiction books. Wrote "The Closed Circle: An Interpretation of the Arabs", Phoenix Press, London, 2002; etc

Karen Amstrong - foremost commentator of religous affairs, awarded the Muslim Public Affairs Council Media Award, 1999. Wrote "Islam: A Short History", 2000; "Holy War: The Crusades and Their Impact on Today's World", 1992, and others

Alijah Gordon (Allahyarhamah)- Malaysian Sociological Research Institute (MSRI). "On Becoming Alijah. Part 1: From the American Revolutionary War through Burma, March 1957", MSRI, K Lumpur, 2002; and other books

Malaysiakini: Feb 15, 2010

By al-Din on February 17, 2010 5:04 PM

On the false claim of the Jewish homeland - Mohammad Assad* (Polish Jew who embraced Islam) argued with Dr. Chaim Weizmann, foremost Zionist:

'But it is our country,' replied Dr. Weizmann, raising his eyebrows. 'We are doing no more than taking back what we have been wrongly deprived of.'

'But you have been away from Palestine for nearly two thousand years! Before that you had ruled this country, and hardly ever the whole of it, for less than five hundred years. Don't you think that the Arabs could, with equal justification, demand Spain for themselves - for, after all, they held sway in Spain for nearly seven hundred years and lost it entirely only five hundred years ago?'

Dr Weizmann had become visibly impatient: 'Nonsense. The Arabs had only conquered Spain; it had never been their original homeland, and so it was only right that in the end they were driven out by the Spaniards.'

'Forgive me,' I retorted, 'but it seems to me that there is some historical oversight here. After all, the Hebrews also came as conquerors to Palestine. Long before them were many other Semitic and non-Semitic tribes settled here - the Amorites, the Endomites, the Philistines, the Moabites, the Hittites. Those tribes continued living here even in the days of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah. They continued living here after the Romans drove our ancestors away. They are living here today. The Arabs who settled in Syria and Palestine after their conquest in the seventh century were always only a small minority of the population; the rest of what we describe today as Palestinian or Syrian "Arabs" are in reality only the Arabianized, original inhabitants of the country. Some of them became Muslims in the course of centuries, others remained Christians; the Muslims naturally inter-married with their co-religionists from Arabia. But can you deny that the bulk of those people in Palestine, who speak Arabic, whether Muslims or Christians, are direct-line descendants of the original inhabitants: original in the sense of having lived in this country centuries before the Hebrews came to it?'

Dr. Weizmann smiled politely at my outburst and turned the conversation to other topics.

* quoted ad vertim from his book "The Road to Mecca", Dar Al-Andalus Ltd., Gibraltar, 1980 (2nd ed) p95

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Malaysiakini: Feb 15, 2010

By al-Din on February 15, 2010 5:11 PM

The Christians (Europeans) believe that Jews was responsible for the 'crufixation' of Nabi Isa in Jerusalem in 30 AD. This set their persecution of diasporic Jews since then.

The Jews through their financial prowess (Rotschilds, Soros ...) are now the power brokers in the US, Europe and in fact the rest of the world. To bow to their demands if not suffer financial backlash, the West must assiduously atone for their crimes of atrocities committed against the Jews in the past.

The Europeans must cleanse their bloody hands, bury history and shift the burden of guilt to the Muslim world. The Muslims are terrorists. The crusade is against them. The holocaust is on them.

Major flashpoints in anti-Jewish pogroms by Europeans:

70 AD - Roman legions under General Titus sacked Jerusalem and destroyed the temple while crushing a Jewish revolt.

132-35 - Romans quelled 2nd Jewish revolt.

1096 - a crusader Count on the way to Jerusalem massacred 1000 Jews at Mainz, Germany.

1099 - by the fall of Jerusalem during the First Crusade some 40,000 Jews and Muslims were savagely butchered.

1492 - at the fall of Granada, the last stronghold of Muslim Andalus, King Ferdinand of Spain issued an edict that expelled 100,000 to Portugal. Many fled to Morocco.

WW2 - holocaust, purportedly 6,000,000 Jews sent to the incinerator by the Nazis.

Allah said the Jews are the chosen people. But they are arrogant, committing genocide in Palestine and Lebanon. Allah knows all what's in store for all.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Islam and Science: Feb 14 2010

al-Deen-amin said...

Al-Fadil ibn Marwan (784-864) - Vizier of Al-Motassim, a Christian who embraced Islam. He said:

"If you must compare a Khatib (scribe) to anything, compare him to a wheel for raising water from a well. He must be constantly kept at work. Otherwise he will cease to function properly."

"Do not attack your enemy when he is advancing. That would be folly; for when he is advancing, he has an advantage over you."

Najm al-Din al-Kubra (-1221)- religous scholar, a poet, writer and orator at al-Khwarizm. When Genghis Khan laid seige and to raze the city of Khwarizm, he sent a message to the the Najm to join him.

He sent back the following message, "If I were to leave my people at this hour of their tragedy, it would be an act remote from virtue and magnanimity."

The Najm's body was found among the slain.