Wednesday, November 15, 2017


Canal-builder Ferdinand de Lesseps, out for a drive with 7 of his 17 children.

A ship streams through the Suez Canal, the man-made waterway that crosses the Isthmus of Suez in northeastern Egypt. The canal, opened in 1869, connects the Mediterranean and the Red Sea.

Official opening of the Suez Canal 17 Nov 1869

Friday, November 3, 2017

NEW YORK, 1628 AND 1750

View of New York in 1628, the earliest known representation of Manhattan Island from a copy of Van der Donck's Beschryvinghe van Niew-Nederlandt, 1655.

New York City in 1750, viewed from the Brooklyn side of the East River. Note the flat-bottomed sails and oars, starting its trip across the river, and the  ox-drawn cart in the foreground